Make A Gift


Your Tax-Deductible Donation is Greatly Appreciated

Trinity Episcopal School is an independent, nonprofit school. We rely solely on the generosity of donors like you to fund the building of the school and the gap between providing the finest education environment and an affordable tuition.

If you would like to pay by cash or check, please contact Katharine Galindo by email at or by phone at 409-765-9391 Ext. 145

Please note that a 3% convenience fee will be added to all credit or debit card transactions.


Personal Information

Note: Questions marked with an asterisk are required; your form will not be processed unless they are complete.
If you are a TES parent or staff member, please log in to the PCR portal before making your purchase.
Parent Portal | Staff Portal

Are you a company? *
Addressee *
Jane and John Smith
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Email *
Address *
City *
State *
Zip *

Gift Information

Please enter the amount of your donation in the box below

Musical Theater Donation
Annual Fund 2024/2025
Spring Event Mod Benefactor - Contribute to Teacher Tickets Fund
Spring Event Palm Royale Ally - Contribute to Unrestricted Event Funds
Total Amount


First Name on the card *
Last Name on the card *
Credit Card Number *
Expiration Month
Expiration Year
Security Code *
Address *
State / Province *
Zip / Postal Code*

The code you entered is not valid.

All information is encrypted and transmitted without
risk using a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol.

How to Give


Give securely by credit card using the online donation form on this page.

Drop off or Mail

Please make your check payable to Trinity Episcopal School and drop it by the front office or mail to:
Attention: Director of Development
720 Tremont
Galveston, TX 77550

In-Kind Gifts

For more information, please contact the Director of Development.


NameGalindo, Katharine
PositionDirector of Development
Phone409-765-9391 Ext. 145

Trinity Episcopal School

720 Tremont Street Galveston, Texas 77550