Requesting Admissions Information
Our Admissions Office is eager to assist you as you seek the best educational option for your child. If you would like to receive more information from Faith Baptist Schools, please complete the form below. The starred fields are required in order to process your inquiry.
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Please, make sure that all required fields (marked with *) are completed.
Parent/Legal Guardian Contact Information
Student Information
Please Note: Students with D’s, F’s, U's and 1’s on the final report card will not be admitted to Faith Baptist.
Additional Information
Has the student ever been enrolled in Faith Baptist Schools or Summer School? If yes, please specify grade and year.
Other Information/Areas of Interest
Select for More Information
Jr./Sr. High School Only (7th-12th Grades)
We respect and honor your privacy. Please note that the information you provide on this form will be used only so that we can contact you for the purpose of your inquiry.