The Ailey School Admissions Profile Creation

Thank you for your interest in The Ailey School, the official school of Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater.
2025 Summer and 2025/2026 School Year in Junior Division & Professional Division application is now open. Merit-based scholarship is granted to all students who exhibit the strongest potential at the audition.
> Ailey/BFA Dance Transfer Application is now open.

New Applicants:

Follow the instructions below if you have never auditioned with us. Complete and submit all required fields in the page below.
  1. You will be prompted to create a password to log in to the Admissions Login Portal.
  2. After logging into the Admissions Login Portal, you will see your Applicant Profile.
  3. Complete and submit new application form.
  4. Select your audition date to register for the audition.

Returning Applicants, or if you have already auditioned with us before and those who already have an Ailey user account, skip the form below and please continue to the Admissions Login here.

To learn more about our programs, please visit The Ailey School.

Questions or need help completing this form, please email

New Applicants, please fill out the form below to continue with your profile creation.

Please, make sure that all required fields (marked with *) are completed.

    School Division Applying to? *

    Applicant's High School status when starting at Ailey? *

    How did you learn of The Ailey School's training programs? *

    Applicant (Student) First Name: *

    Applicant (Student) Middle Name:

    Applicant (Student) Last Name: *

    Applicant (Student) Birthdate: *
    Open the calendar popup.
    mm/dd/yyyy - for student